Konservatif diş tedavisi

Conservative Dental Treatmet


Conservative dental treatment aims to treat teeth that can be restored in dentistry with minimally invasive methods. It enables the restoration of caries, trauma-induced fractures or congenital defects in the tooth by preserving the intact tooth tissue, using composite filling or hybrid ceramic materials. Common treatments are composite fillings, inlay-onlay ceramic restorations, and composite laminates (bonding).

Composite filling is a treatment option in cases of tooth decay, cracks and fractures. During the procedure, the decayed part of the tooth is cleaned and filled with composite filling material.

Inlay-Onley Ceramic Restorations are a preferred treatment option in cases when the remaining tooth tissue is not sufficient to fill. It is made of ceramic materials that are stronger than the filling. It is prepared in the dental laboratory with the impression taken from the mouth.

Composite laminates are a treatment method that can be applied in the treatment of fractures in the anterior teeth, in cases where the gap between the teeth (diastema) is desired to be closed, or for minimal deformation.

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